Mass meditation has been the only scientifically proven way to reduce violence, terrorism, and Negative Events directly during the time of mass meditation. We need meditators in shifts 24 hours around the world.
The scientific principle of coherence teaches us that a global culture of supporting monasticism for those who choose that path helps humanity as a whole.
If any government funding is to be spent on violent crime reduction or terrorism reduction, the only proven method must be funded first.
Military is fully funded in the united States; by scientific logic, monasteries providing environments and monks for mass meditation and mass meditation centers should be fully funded.
The Unified Field is influenced positively by monasticism; mass meditation and mass prayer reduces negative events of everything from auto accidents to global terrorism during the time of meditation. To date, mass meditation and mass prayer has been the only scientifically proven method of crime reduction. When enlightened beings assemble, the consciousness coherence effect is multiplied exponentially.
Some schools have already begun, but we need all schools teaching meditation to change the world permanently. Every time zone meditating a designated time creates mass meditation time zone by time zone to bring forth harmony, unify, and reduce negative events from auto accidents to global terrorism by bringing coherence to the unified field.
Building Mass Meditation Centers, Organic Gluten-free Monastic Farming Eco-Villages in harmony with nature, and a Monastery is our mission.
We endeavor to create an organic gluten-free vegan monastic farm network with ascension chambers in harmony with nature, one at a time, to positively affect each local area and contribute to global harmony/lasting peace, tipping to unified field into positive coherence.
This is a time for raising our beliefs, raise our beliefs in what is actually possible and choose the peaceful lives in harmony with nature that we really demand, command, and manifest by designing it fulfilling it and actively discuss it in families, at parties, and in public venues without fear of being laughed at because the true is that those who are laughing are asleep or are the soft enemy trying to keep a slavery system.

Many of the Tibetan traditions have made it to 6th density. The original church painted many depictions of Jesus wrapped in rainbows or sitting on a rainbow, etcetera with portals behind Him; William Henry has photographed many of these original early Christian paintings, and they can be found on Gaia.

photon on the chest of Jesus next to the first photon images
“Ascension Keepers” (via Gaia) is an essential series to watch if one is Christian, Catholic, or some other form of follower of Jesus.

It is vital to surround ourselves in communities of purity / goodness, of similar grounded hearts living close to the earth and connected to God / Source and His positive nature.
Padmasambhava transmuted dark energies into positive guardians.
Coherence of all cells in the brain & entire body is what Daily Meditation achieves. That meditative state touches the energy around you & the unified field.
The only mission in the flesh is to attain (let go of everything that is not) the Light body (Rainbow Body), ascended (6th Density) state of being.
– Married Transcendentalist (also known as Married Vegan Monastic)
Help us build a farm / meditation center / monastery, support meditation in schools, and promote our message.
Sometimes, I take the time to capitalize pronouns because “I” is no more Divine than “You”, “Them”, etcetera.
Our network of websites:
2: (our oldest Monastic site) associated with was attacked & destroyed; I will be reposting articles either there or on one of our network sites.
5: (Oldest Italian/Sicilian Society in New Orleans)(Building & Engaging in Community is important, whatever community of which one is a part.)
We must have the purity, sacredness, and honorable pursuit of a global monastic culture to have mass meditation whether that is the masses at home meditating or in mass meditation centers, which can easily be done by converting stadiums from celebrating conflict “sports” to mass meditation centers 🙂
The way we manifest in dream state is the way that enlightened beings manifest in the waking physical dimension, so purity of mind and consciousness is necessary for the time to come when and where we all have the ability to manifest at will.
Mind Training along with daily meditation is the prescription for deliberate evolution in a positive direction.
Autobiography of a Yogi is a 19 hour audio-book well worth listening to to say the least.
There are many paths. What matters is the true pure intention and strong passion to pursue God Consciousness Within and living peacefully, but having cultivated the powers through being one with God to peacefully block & overcome evil enemies of the world. Padmasambhava transmuted evil forces into guardian Buddhas.
Padmasambhava did not vow chastity; He is the rainbow body Buddha freely traveling worlds teaching rainbow body transmutation.
Buddhas are one with God. Angels are perfected humans – purified humans. The Son of God is God Consciousness in human form to the eye.